We are still really busy with moving...but I'm all settled into my new room. Yay!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hello from the office!
We are still really busy with moving...but I'm all settled into my new room. Yay!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Dog Show
Hi All,
I've been super busy , so I apologize for taking so long to post again. I'm getting lots of work, and in the process of moving, so life has just been hectic. But, on Saturday I found time to go to the Dog Show at the Waukesha Expo center.
And, I'm super pumped!!! I watched the Chihuahua's show, and I think that if I tried, I could show Shazam. Shazam isn't sure about it, but he's finally learning to sit without a treat, so he thinks maybe he could try. Here's the awesome thing about the Chihuahua section - they don't have to be great. Other dogs were doing all sorts of fancy tricks - obedience, scent, etc. It appeared the chihuahuas just had to sort of heel, while on a lead. Shazam is a pretty chihuahua, and has a good gait. He probably heels the best out of all the tricks he does. I think with some human learning, and dog practice, I could learn how to show Shazam.
The only problem: To put it nicely, Shazam is a hyper idiot. (Shazam, you know I love you, but you also know it's true.) He will get really good at sitting, for instance sit for a toy or pets instead of a treat. Then, I will have his favorite treat and ask him to sit, and he just looks at me, confused.
One of my english teachers last year, showed dogs. She pointed me to YouTube, where you can find many videos of Chihuahuas doing agility. I am way excited about this too. I think if I could start to get Shazam showing, that agility would be great for him. I think that he would be a lot happier if he could get some physical, and mental exercise. Cesar Millan says that it is important to treat a little dog like a dog - making sure you are dominant(and don't be afraid of hurting their feelings by being dominant so long as you are not angry or aggressive) and making sure their little world is exciting enough for them. So, I think that if Shazam was any good at it, agility training would be really good for him. He can get out some of his energy, and it will be mentally stimulating for him also.
So this post is kind of rambling, but here is my point:
I would love to train Shazam for this sort of thing, but don't know where to start.
Does anyone have any thoughts, comments, ideas, suggestions on Chihuahua Training and Showing, or just Agility and Showing in general.
I would really appreciate anything you all have to offer.
Thanks, and much Love,
T3h Squirrel, and Shazam.